Green Earth Friendly Waterproofing System
Green Earth Friendly Waterproofing Systems
Having a background in landscaping and a love for the outdoors, Staying “Green” has always been important to me. So when I started my waterproofing company I felt most comfortable solving the drainage problems from outside the home by stopping the water at its source. Powered mostly by gravity and our natural resources, our dependable system lets us waterproof your home in the most natural way.
Requires No Electricity
First, our system requires no electricity to operate. We work from outside your home, to seal the cracks and holes that allow the water in to flood your basement, while other companies install electric sump pump systems that discharge the water only after it has already entered your home. These pumps often run a lot and can turn on and off all night long wasting electricity. In time most sump pumps can break down and stop working completely when this happens your basement will flood again.
Water Diversion Swales
Water can be redirected to flow away from a problem area by making a swale. A swale is a low area designed to carry water from one area to another by way of gravity. Think of it as a river bed that only fills up with water during heavy rainfall. Some homes may already have a swale located between homes, on the proper line, flowing from the back yard towards the front. Sometimes the swale will drain from front to the back yard in the newer neighborhoods. Small swales are built using a small machine called a power sod cutter by stripping away thin sections of grass and soil at a time until the desired depth is achieved. Larger swales require a larger machine; a bobcat skid loader can be used to remove a greater amount of soil.
Eco-friendly Rain Gardens
It is sometimes possible to catch this water into a rain garden, before it has a chance to jump the curb and make its way towards the gutter, down the storm sewer and eventually into the rivers and lake where it can pollute these waterways with the many chemicals we use on our lawns and gardens.
Rain gardens will vary in size and shape. Most are long and narrow and can range in depth from 12 inches deep to as much as 6 feet deep. It will all depend on how much water is needed to be captured and how much room is available. These gardens will usually contain river rock, boulders, or mulch and plantings that thrive on moisture. The idea is that the water that enters will seep into the soil and be naturally filtered by the earth, slowly draining back into the aquifer deep below.
Exterior Waterproofing: The Obvious Conclusion
Call our company, AAA Reick’s Waterproofing. We specialize in earth-friendly waterproofing systems. We use the methods described above plus other ideas like sealing the cracks and holes in your foundation wall that allow the water to enter the home and exterior drain tile systems to reroute water far away from problem areas.
Eco-friendly Minneapolis Basement Waterproofing Solution
CALL RIGHT NOW and we can get you started on a dry basement TODAY.
North Metro: 612-369-6626 St. Paul: 615-583-6626
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