Is A Wet Basement Stopping The Sale Of Your Home

Twin Cities Cracks and Holes

A wet basement in the home you are selling can be a sticking point for anyone wanting to sell the home in Minneapolis or ST. Paul. We receive many phone calls each year from home sellers who had their home up for sale when a giant rainstorm flooded the basement the night before a showing or open house. They received a phone call from the buyer's agent saying " You had better call a local waterproofing company, your basement is flooded and I can't take my clients downstairs! "

If your home is on the market and you know you need a professional waterproofing contractor because every time it rains hard there are those areas that almost always end up wet. NOW is the time to act! Don't wait until you get THAT phone call!

More times than not, if the owner mitigates the moisture problem prior to the sale of the home, they may save a lot of money and don't have to go through a VERY uncomfortable phone call from an agent from a customer who leaves looking for a different home, with a nice DRY basement!

AAA Reick's Landscaping And Waterproofing has been helping homeowners for over 30 years, to sell their house! We can offer a dependable solution you can count on in a short period of time!

We are licensed, bonded, insured and ready to help your home sell.

CALL The Twin City's Best Basement Waterproofing Company NOW to set up a cost-free evaluation. Get a solution for your wet basement TODAY.

Free Estimate - Basement Waterproofing

North Metro: 612-369-6626

We answer our phones!


Twin City Window Wells and Wet Basements


Bloomington, MN's Best Waterproofing Company