Poor Drainage Caused Water in the Basement

Basement Waterproofing

Mary Jo of Plymouth, MN, is a typical Twin Cities homeowner that gets water in the basement on a rainy day or when the snow melts. She had found a wet carpet after a rainy night. Mary Jo was a previous client and had used our landscaping services. She knew I could solve her leaky basement problem.

Water in the Basement Caused By Poor Drainage

The paver patio had not been properly compacted, and settling had occurred close to the foundation, which caused water in the lower level of her home. There also was an issue with the retaining wall that butted up to the house near the patio. It was built 12 inches too short, causing water to drain toward the home and patio areas.

How The Drainage Problem Was Solved

The problem was solved by removing the pavers and recompacting the area. A thick waterproof sheet membrane was added to the exposed area. Leveling sand was applied, and the brick pavers were reinstalled.s. The retaining wall needed more blocks to increase its height. Waterproofing drain tiles were installed behind the wall as a French drain for water runoff.

Products/Plantings To Solve the Drainage Problem

  • 75 feet thick waterproof membrane
  • 25 feet waterproofing drain tile
  • 1/2 yard of class-5 compactible material
  • 1/4 yard leveling sand

The area was soon tested by a big rain storm and passed with flying colors, and Mary Jo was pleased to have a dry basement!

If you have lawn drainage problems, call AAA Reick's Landscaping & Waterproofing today at (612) 369-6626 or use our water in the basement quote request form 24/7.


Eden Prarie, MN Landscaping Makeover


Help! I Have Water In The Basement!